Returning Staff
The 2025 Staff Application is now open!
Click here to apply!Welcome Back to Kinneret
We’re excited that you’re considering being back at Kinneret for another summer! Now that you have some time at Kinneret under your belt, you play an important role as a senior staff member. You know how to use your group theme to invent new spins on classic camp games. You’ve practiced and drilled down how to give the rock throwing talk to campers. You’ve developed strategies and techniques on how to support and mentor your CILTs. You’ve come a long way!
As you head into next summer, we know you have some important things to think about. Is it valuable to be back at camp for another year, or does an internship look better on resumes? Can camp help you get to where you want to go? While Kinneret cannot give you the best of both worlds and offer you an internship and camp, we can help you further develop the 21st century skills that employers and companies look for while giving you continued support and summer fun. Take a look at how some of our staff members grew their leadership skills over multiple years at camp. Can you imagine all the ways you can develop this summer?

How to Apply
Start an application by clicking the “Click Here to Apply!” button above. Make sure you’re filling out the Returning Staff Application!
After we receive your application, you will be invited to an individual interview with Ryan. During the interview, you’ll catch up on what you’ve been up to since summer, talk about how the previous summer at Kinneret went for you, and discuss your new roles and goals for the upcoming summer.
Here are some questions that Ryan may ask you during your interview:
- What’s an area that you want to push yourself in or is not as developed as you would like it to be?
- Is there something you wanted to accomplish last summer that you haven’t achieved yet?
- What was something that you found difficult last summer that you want to improve upon this summer?
- What was something you liked about staff orientation? Is there something that you would have liked to learn more about but was missing from the orientation?