
Dates & Rates

We Enroll by Session – Here’s Why!

As you investigate our dates and rates, you will find that we enroll by session rather than week-by-week. Families choose a session (Session 1, Session 2, or both) and then choose a set day combination within that session. We offer 2, 3, and 5 day a week options.

We believe that camp is so much more than just activities. Camp is about being supported and encouraged to try new things. Camp is about being part of a group, developing a team spirit, and having the chance to lead. Creating a special place to belong takes more than just a few days, and the family feel of camp cannot happen when there are new campers coming and going throughout the summer. Our sessions are an integral part of the quality experiences that we provide for children and the reason that so many campers return from one summer to the next.

Fees & Day Combinations

Session One: Jun 16 – Jul 18

You can enroll for 4 or 5 weeks during Session One: Jun 16 – Jul 18. 

Campers enrolled in Session One may have the option to extend for only two weeks in Session Two, but these spaces are limited and are only available after full Session Two campers have been enrolled. To add your camper(s) to our 2-week extension request list, simply fill out a 2-week extension request form through our online application portal.

Early Bird Rate

Apply before April 1st to get the best rates! Prices usually increase by about 5% on this date.

Days Camp + Bus Camp + Extended Care Camp Only
2 (T & Th only) $2050 $1900 $1750
3 (M, W, F only) $3150 $2925 $2700
5 (M – F) $5040 $4680 $4320

Days Camp + Bus Camp + Extended Care Camp Only
2 (T & Th only) $1722 $1602 $1482
3 (M, W, F only) $2646 $2466 $2286
5 (M – F) $4190 $3905 $3620

Session Two: Jul 21 – Aug 15

You can enroll for 3 or 4 weeks during Session Two: Jul 21 – Aug 15.

Early Bird Rate

Apply before April 1st to get the best rates! Prices usually increase by about 5% on this date.

Days Camp + Bus Camp + Extended Care Camp Only
2 (T & Th only) $1640 $1520 $1400
3 (M, W, F only) $2520 $2340 $2160
5 (M – F) $3990 $3705 $3420

Days Camp + Bus Camp + Extended Care Camp Only
2 (T & Th only) $1292 $1202 $1112
3 (M, W, F only) $1985 $1850 $1715
5 (M – F) $3087 $2877 $2667

Enrollment FAQs

For your convenience, we have also answered some of the most commonly asked questions below.

Where can I download a copy of the 2025 policies?

Right here! You’ve come to the right place. While the policies might seem long, they are full of important information and we encourage you to read them to learn about absences, make-up days, and more! Additionally, the answers to most enrollment questions can be found in our enrollment policies, available here.

When should I apply?

New family enrollment begins online on January 20th. Our small group sizes mean that space is limited. We encourage families to make their summer plans early. While applying early does not guarantee your first choice of sessions, days, or grouping, doing so increases the chances that your first choice will be available.

How can I get the Early Bird Rate?

Families who apply with a deposit before April 1st and pay the remainder of their balance before the payment deadline will receive our Early Bird Rate.

Families who apply after April 1st, or who do not submit payment before the payment deadline, will receive our regular rate.

Is there an application deposit?

For families who choose not to pay in full with their application, there is a $400 deposit for each camper and for each session applied for. This deposit is not an additional fee and will be applied toward your final balance. This deposit is charged when the application is submitted but will be refunded if the space requested is not available.

For all refund information, please refer to our enrollment policies, available here.

Do you offer a sibling discount?

A sibling enrolling from the same family receives a discount of 5%. An additional sibling receives a discount of 10%. Additional discounts will be applied for additional siblings.

What if I need to miss a week of camp?

Family vacations or school conflicts of one calendar week can be accommodated. You can choose to miss one week in each session by simply selecting it on your application or notifying us before April 1st. Your fees will be lower to account for the missed week. If you choose to attend the full session, you will receive our 5% discount for full-session enrollments, which is already reflected in the published rates!

Can I spread my payments out?

A payment plan option is available to all of our camp families – click here to learn more.

Can I request a friend for my child to be grouped with?

There is space on the application to request one friend to be placed with your camper. If you list multiple names, we will treat the first name as your one choice. Your camper’s friend must be in the same grade as your camper but may be of any gender. 8th & 9th graders will always be grouped together so friends can be in either grade. Friend requests are only guaranteed for registrations submitted before April 1st. Twins will automatically be placed together unless you contact us to request that they be grouped separately.

My child's school year ends after camp has started or resumes before camp has ended. What are my options?

Certain school districts, including Los Angeles, Oak Park, and Simi Valley, will begin the 2024-2025 school year before the end of our 2024 camp season. Please check your school schedule first if you are planning to apply for Session Two.

  • Oak Park Unified School District: School will resume during the third week of Session Two. If you included that session in your application, please go back and select Session One instead.
  • Los Angeles Unified School District: Schools will resume during the final week of Session Two. If you included that week in your application, please go back and select the first 3 weeks of Session Two.
  • Simi Valley Unified School District: School will resume on Thursday of the final week of Session Two. If you included that session in your application you can prorate the last week or mark your camper(s) absent on those days. Please check our enrollment policies to see if the day combination you chose makes you eligible for makeup days. 
  • All other districts/schools: Please check your school’s most recent schedule updates to determine if your camp schedule needs to be adjusted.

We’re here to help- feel free to call or email us at with any other questions you may have!